Guest Speaker Profile: Dr. Enoch Kariuki

Dr. Enoch Kariuki resides with his family in San Diego, California

Dr. Kariuki is a remarkable story of a child who grew up in the small town of Loitoktok, Kenya, finding doors opened for him in the United States. His name is synonymous with success in the biopharmaceutical realm, making him one of the most coveted executives in America. His remarkable achievements include the creation of companies that collectively earned an astounding $7 billion through acquisitions.

As a child, a significant event ignited Dr. Kariuki's desire to explore the healthcare world. At a time when HIV Aids was ravaging families across Africa, his family was not spared. He witnessed his aunt's battle with HIV, which ultimately claimed her life. Helpless in the face of the disease, he realized how healthcare could be a tool to help people, motivating him to pursue a career in the healthcare industry.

Dr. Kariuki moved to the U.S. to attend Texas Southern University (TSU), a historically black institution. At TSU, he shifted his focus from business to pharmacy, seeing it as a way to merge his interests in business and healthcare.

Upon a professor's recommendation, Dr. Kariuki pursued a postdoctoral fellowship at Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS), a large pharmaceutical company. During his time there, BMS was undergoing a transformation, exposing Enoch to strategic initiatives like in/out licensing transactions, M&A, and spin-offs.

Subsequently, he pursued an MBA at the prestigious Tuck, inspired by his mentor at BMS. This led to a deep dive into Wall Street, where he led various deals for healthcare companies, expanding his knowledge.

Dr. Kariuki’s diverse background, combining pharmacy practice, large pharma Research and Development,  strategy, and investment banking, led him to H.I.G. Capital, a multi-billion dollar private equity fund. His role required him to draw on his comprehensive experience to evaluate investments.

His journey took another turn when he joined Synthorx, a biotech startup developing groundbreaking genetic technology. He was instrumental in the company's IPO and eventual acquisition by Sanofi for $2.5 billion in December 2019.

Following Synthorx, he became the CFO at VelosBio, another biotech startup. Their focus on ROR1-directed antibody-drug conjugates promised to revolutionize cancer treatment. Merck recognized the potential and acquired VelosBio for $2.8 billion in November 2020.

He says about the Cancer treatment offered by VelosBio:

“The early data that we had was astounding. In heme malignancies, you’d see patient scans who’d been through six or seven lines of therapy … and we’d put them on VLS-101 and most of the time, they were clear of cancer”

Dr. Kariuki’s remarkable journey continued as he assumed the role of CEO at Lengo Therapeutics. Here, he was responsible for the entire strategic vision and execution. Ultimately, Lengo was acquired by Blueprint Medicine in a structured deal, involving $250 million upfront and up to $215 million in additional potential payments.

Dr. Kariuki attributes his success to the resourcefulness of his mother, who, despite having left school after the first grade, made up for it with determination and a remarkable talent for business. She built a wholesaling company and a beer distributorship, channeling every shilling into her children's education.

Dr. Kariuki is on the board of Zentalis Pharmaceuticals. He also sat on the board of Imago BioSciences, and the company was sold to Merc for $1.4B this year

Dr. Kariuki will be at the MBK event on Saturday, October 21, sharing his knowledge and experience. He will talk about what a winning mentality is all about.

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